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Welcome to the Calhoun County Highway Department and the Calhoun County web site. The Highway Department, under the direction of the Calhoun County Commission, is responsible for the construction and maintenance of all roads and bridges outside the city limits of the municipalities in Calhoun County. We strive to provide the safest and best possible highway system for the citizens of Calhoun County. We hope that this web site will give our citizens information about our highway system that will make their driving in Calhoun County more convenient and enjoyable. Please check this site often over the next few months as we develop the site. Let us know what information you would like to see on this web site. If you have any questions, please call us or contact us at our e-mail address.
Rodney McCain
County Engineer
Calhoun County and the Calhoun County Highway Department have been awarded the John F. Courson Excellence in Engineering award by the Association of County Engineers of Alabama in April 2010.
Located at McClellan in the Industrial area near the Alabama National Guard enclave.
Office hours are 6:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, closed Holidays.
The County Highway Department is responsible for all activities involving Calhoun County's 865-mile County Highway system. This system is split into 50 miles of County Highways, which were constructed with state and federal funds, and 815 miles of County Roads, which are financed mostly by local taxes. There are 162 bridges over 20 feet in length under county jurisdiction that are also included on these routes. Personnel in the organization (totaling approximately 75 full-time) are divided into three main divisions: Engineering, Equipment/Shop, and Maintenance.
Manages Federal Aid Bridge and Roadway rehabilitation projects.
Reviews and approves utility permits.
Manages annual paving and resurfacing projects.
Manages FHWA & State Bridge Inspection Program.
Oversee Vegetation Management Program.
Maintain pavement, signs, and shoulders.
Mow roadsides, clean drainage ditches.
Maintain, repair, and install drainage culverts.
Grading of dirt roads.
Construct shoulders and widen existing roads.
Installation of turnouts (permit required).
Maintain all Highway Department vehicles and construction equipment.
Move equipment to areas around the county as needed.
Calhoun County is responsible for the maintenance of 162 bridges in the county. Of those 162 bridges, approximately 50 are posted (PDF map of posted bridges), with 19 that are unable to carry a school bus.
Road/Bridge Name | Scheduled Open Date** |
Stienburg Road Bridge | Closed Temporarily |
Ohatchee Cutoff | Closed Permanently |
**Dates are tentative and subject to change.** |
Road/Bridge Name | Work Starting** |
**Bridge Projects and Dates are tentative and subject to change.** |
Calhoun County is responsible for approximately 865 miles of roadway. Calhoun County works diligently to maintain the roadway for the safety of the traveling public. We maintain these roadways by year-round activities such as: patching, resurfacing, ditching, mowing and vegetation control. The Calhoun County Highway Department works hard to better our county's road infrastructure and to prosper the county by keeping roads open and passable.
Road Name | Project Start Date** |
None at this time | |
**Paving Projects and Dates are tentative and subject to change. |
Road Name | Scheduled Open Date** |
Boiling Springs Road (Bridge Repair) | |
**Dates are tentative and subject to change. |
Calhoun County is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) as an owner/operator of a Phase II municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The USEPA's Phase II Stormwater Regulations, which were implemented in March 2003, require operators of regulated Phase II MS4s to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and to develop a stormwater management program designed to protect water quality and to prevent harmful pollutants in stormwater runoff from being washed into the MS4. The County received its current Phase II Stormwater NPDES permit (ALR040004) on October 1, 2016. The current permit coverage will expire on September 30, 2021.
The intent of the Phase II regulations is to reduce the adverse impacts to water quality and aquatic habitat by instituting the use of controls on the unregulated sources of stormwater discharges. In order to comply with these regulations Calhoun County must satisfy six "minimum control measures," including:
Useful Links
Calhoun County Storm Water Plan (Adobe pdf document)
2017 Storm Water Management Program Report (Large Adobe pdf document)
2016 Storm Water Management Program Report (Large Adobe pdf document)
Urbanized map for Calhoun County (Adobe pdf document)
Alabama Low Impact Development Handbook
Illicit Discharge Form in pdf. Please return to Chris Gann via highway@calhouncounty.org.
Who do I contact with a storm water concern?
Please contact Chris Gann, Assistant County Engineer at (256) 237-465
What is Phase II and who is affected by the Phase II program?
The Storm Water Phase II Final Rule applies to operators of regulated small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), which are designated based on the criteria discussed in this fact sheet. In this fact sheet, the definition of an MS4 and the distinction between small, medium, and large MS4s is reviewed. Conditions under which a small MS4 may be designated as a regulated small MS4, as well as the conditions for a waiver from the Phase II program requirements, are outlined. This fact sheet also attempts to clarify possible implementation issues related to determining one’s status as an operator of a regulated small MS4.
What is a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)?
What constitutes an MS4 is often misinterpreted and misunderstood. The term MS4 does not solely refer to municipally owned storm sewer systems, but rather is a term of art with a much broader application that can include, in addition to local jurisdictions, State departments of transportation, universities, local sewer districts, hospitals, military bases, and prisons. An MS4 also is not always just a system of underground pipes – it can include roads with drainage systems, gutters, and ditches.
Why are we regulated as a Phase II community?
Storm water discharges from MS4s in urbanized areas are a concern because of the high concentration of pollutants found in these discharges. Concentrated development in urbanized areas substantially increases impervious surfaces, such as city streets, driveways, parking lots, and sidewalks, on which pollutants from concentrated human activities settle and remain until a storm event washes them into nearby storm drains. Common pollutants include pesticides, fertilizers, oils, salt, litter and other debris, and sediment. Another concern is the possible illicit connections of sanitary sewers, which can result in fecal coliform bacteria entering the storm sewer system. Storm water runoff picks up and transports these and other harmful pollutants then discharges them – untreated – to waterways via storm sewer systems. When left uncontrolled, these discharges can result in fish kills, the destruction of spawning and wildlife habitats, a loss in aesthetic value, and contamination of drinking water supplies and recreational waterways that can threaten public health.
Who do I contact with a storm water concern?
Please contact Chris Gann, Assistant County Engineer at (256) 237-4657.
Where is the highway department located?
160 Seaton Drive, Anniston, AL 36205 in the Industrial area of McClellan.
From AL HWY 21 Turn on to Baltzell Gate Road, drive approximately 1 mile and turn left onto Federal Way, drive approx. ¼ mile and turn right on Castle Ave, drive 900 ft. and take the first left onto Wall St., Turn right at the Forth stop sign onto Seaton Drive, Calhoun County Highway Department is on your left.
What are the hours of operation?
6:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding holidays.
How do I contact the highway department?
E-mail us at highway@calhouncounty.org or call us at (256) 237-4657.
Employment Opportunities?
Fill out an application with the Civil Service Board, located at the Calhoun County Administration Building. Job listings are posted in the Anniston Star and on the Civil Service Web page.
What should I do if there is a roadway problem?
Call us at (256) 237-4657 and turn in a problem report.
What is the proper way to handle debris after a storm emergency?
Proper sorting of debris at the curb after a storm can help all those involved in the cleanup process.
Follow the instructions in this printable pdf and the removal process will go smoother.
What district am I in?
Please review the Calhoun County District map by clicking here.
How close to the road can I put a fence up?
Varies by the road, call (256) 237-4657 or email us and we will be glad to assist you.
How much right-of-way is on my road?
Varies by the road, call (256) 237-4657 or email us and we will be glad to assist you.
Does the county maintain my road?
Varies by the road, call (256) 237-4657 or email us and we will be glad to assist you.
Calhoun County Posted Bridges
PDF map showing weight restricted bridges within Calhoun County Alabama. Posted on October 7, 2005.
Utility Permit
PDF document for requesting permission to do utility work on County Right-of-Ways. This is required and must be approved by the Highway Department prior to work starting.
Directions to new Location
PDF map showing streets and driving directions to the new Highway Department location.